new and old methodologies and processes for crops

The application of good agricultural practices, in particular those related to the integrated management of crops, implies the use of a series of techniques resulting from the enhancement of the so-called ecological agriculture. Many of these techniques were already practiced for more than 500 years, but the new agriculture, marked by the paradigm of the green revolution, put them as “traditional techniques” with little impact on productivity.

The recovery and revaluation of this ancestral knowledge have direct impacts: (i) they allow increasing agricultural productivity in harmony with the capacity of natural resources and (ii) therefore empowering food security; in addition to (ii) increasing the resilience of societies to the impact of natural disasters.

In Sinenta, to the recovery of this ancestral knowledge, we combine new forms of production as vertical agriculture, aeroponics technologies, and Km 0 strategies production, together with the increase in available biodiversity and the rescue of NUS crops, and the digitization of agricultural processes, we will find ourselves in a more favorable scenario to face the challenges that humanity must face through the management of crops.

digital transformation

Digitizing implies a change in thinking and ways of doing things; and although Digitization and Digital Transformation are very often used synonymously, they really are not.

Digital transformation is a revolution that acts on the entire society, affecting both the ways of consuming, interacting with human beings, consuming and producing, as well as the organization, structure, and management of companies and public services.

Digital transformation brings tangible benefits to any
type of entity since, by applying additional technological layers (Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Artificial Vision, Business Intelligent, Industry 4.0, Intelligent Agriculture, Internet of Things, etc.), it allows them both to take informed decisions such as making your processes more efficient and effective.

When you ask for a credit card at your bank, they ask you for a copy of the last three payrolls, the same that are entered into the account each month, and of your income statement, which you have processed through them; then why do they ask you for this documentation? because they have digitized their activities, but have not carried out a true digital transformation of their business.

In Sinenta we help organizations to carry out a successful transformation that allows them to operate in the new digital ecosystem with modern solutions, with the training of their human teams, and with the transformation of their operational structures.

innovative solutions

innovation is vital to increase resilience and competitiveness in agriculture and to address the urgent challenges posed by climate change

QU Dongyu | FAO General Manager

Global food systems must significantly increase their productivity to respond to a dual challenge: feeding a growing population without endangering our planet’s natural resources and ecosystems

Incorporating innovative solutions in agriculture is vital so that they act as multiplying elements in the transformation processes that must be addressed.

Smart agriculture, by integrating technologies that facilitate the automation and monitoring of processes, is helping to transform agricultural systems to meet the challenges that make up the Sustainable Development Goals.

In Sinenta we have formed a complete portfolio of services and solutions, to provide efficient and effective answers, which allow us to adopt innovation in agriculture in a simple and natural way.


new plant breeding

Plant breeding is the science of creating new varieties through modifications of the plant genome, with the ultimate goal of achieving the production of plants with the desired traits: higher productivity, nutritional value, more tolerance to drought or disease, etc. Plant breeding not only affects the development of crop varieties, it also plays an essential role for industrial uses such as fiber, fuel, shelter and landscaping.

Sinenta, one of the most innovative plant breeding companies in the world, offers a wide range of plant breeding services, including both traditional breeding techniques as well as the newest and most modern molecular plant breeding techniques. Our expert teams of scientists and researchers contribute to the exploration and optimization of modern and advanced breeding methods to offer competitive breeding services on a wide range of plant species, including major food crops, inexpensive plants and bioenergy feedstock plants.

We also have established collaboration agreements with some of the world’s leading plant biology research centers to provide our clients with the best solutions to undertake their research projects in ways that shape the world.

a work proposal clear and easy

Sinenta prepares the proposals that it directs to its clients and partners with confidence and openness, and always includes indicators to validate their compliance, regardless of whether it is a large or small project.

Our proposals are developed specifically for each project and include visual elements that make their content easier to understand by minimizing the use of complex terms, highlighting how our client’s problem or need is solved, what benefits they will receive, and what our value is differential.

We want to help you so that your projects can shape the world

efficient and efective responses

The SDG 2030 Agenda is an action plan for people, the planet and prosperity. It is also intended to strengthen universal peace within a broader concept of freedom. We are determined to liberate humanity from the tyranny of poverty and deprivation, and to heal and protect our planet. It is also intended to realize the human rights of all people and achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.

The European Green Deal is a set of policy initiatives by the European Commission with the overarching goal of making Europe climate neutral by 2050 and, as a first step, to achieve a reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions between 50% and 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. For this, each existing law will be reviewed on its climate objectives, in addition to incorporating new legislation on circular economy, renovation of buildings, biodiversity, agriculture and innovation.

Sinenta, when planning and proposing any innovation project or solution to the challenges posed by its clients, takes as a reference both the UN 2030 agenda for sustainable development goals and the EU’s Green Deal strategy, with the priority objective of offering effective and efficient responses to the needs of the moment in which we live

reimagine the use of natural resources

Today the unsustainable use of natural resources is at the top of the political agenda in most regions of the world. According to data from Foot Printer Network in 2020 it took 1.6 planets Earth to meet the needs of humanity in a sustainable way. But at the moment we only have one planet that supplies the necessary resources to sustain life and not just that of human beings.

Maintaining and increasing biodiversity means self-preservation for the human being, and putting a sustainable and sustainable vision of our activities as a species makes the socio-economic interest of any entity, company, or territory clear and obvious. It is essential to know the energy flows that are generated between the different members of the ecosystem: soil + flora + fauna + human beings; flows that translate into the availability of food and other essential products for our survival. It is also important to know the capacity of our ecosystems to cope with the waste we generate and convert it back into natural resources.

At Sinenta we address the needs of our clients with a holistic vision of the operating environment, with a focus on providing solutions that are not only respectful of the environment but also that reimagine the use of natural resources.